Karen Gardner 14/11/58 – 27/07/23

At 14.07 on Thursday 27th July, an angel on earth joined the angels in heaven.
Karen fought an immensely challenging battle against an aggressive brain tumour with strength and unwavering courage with Steve and their wonderful family and friends by her side every step of the way. She received the best possible medical care and months of treatments and therapies but sadly lost her battle peacefully whilst being cared for at the Barton Cottage Hospital.
Steve expresses his unending love for his life partner of 50 years, inseparable to the end. Our Prayers and thoughts go out to Steve, their sons Jon and James, grandchildren Dom, Grace and Sonnie and their extended family and all those that knew her.
There is another family that Karen’s love and affection touched the lives of so many and that is our IAWA Family.
Karen started lifting 30 years ago with IAWA and was soon to be known as ‘Mum’ by so many in the organisation. Jon and James would shout ‘come on Mum’ as encouragement as she lifted.
Always there to support and inspire others and dedicated herself to working as an official, helping at the desk and capturing the days events on camera side by side with Steve.
Karen and her family travelled to support so many national and international events over the years and this is why our global IAWA organisations retain such wholesome values and inclusivity.
Winning so many titles over the years and the being the first woman to pull 100 kilos in the One Hand Deadlift, she can certainly be declared a champion not only in lifting but in every facet of life.
Rest In Peace Karen
Paul Barette on Behalf of the IAWA(UK) Committee