IAWA Strength Journal
The latest copy of the I.A.W.A.(UK) Strength Journal has been mailed to members.
If you have opted not to receive a paper copy, then you can find the PDF version here.
The latest copy of the I.A.W.A.(UK) Strength Journal has been mailed to members.
If you have opted not to receive a paper copy, then you can find the PDF version here.
**Southern Shield – Change of date**
Please note: The Southern Shield Competition will now be Sunday 18th August (not 26th May). The lifts remain the same: 2 Dumbbells Clean & Press, Bent Arm Pullover and the Trap Bar Deadlift.
Apologies for the change, it should spread the events out a bit and allow more lifters to take part, especially with the British All-Round coming soon.
You will find the latest results in full here.
Many thanks to Christopher Bass for his work in compiling the results and confirming the records.
Our top 3 teams were Granby1, Castlemilk and MetamorFIT1 –
Well Done Lifters!.
Congratulations to our top 3 lifters this leg – Steve Sherwood, Mark Godleman and Paul Barette!
The All-Round Postal League Results have been uploaded to the website and can be found here.
Many thanks to Christopher Bass for collating and record confirmations. A very warm welcome to our newest lifters! ?️♀️Congratulations to Granby, Castlemilk and MetamorFIT1 for being the top 3 teams. The top 3 lifters for this leg were Steve Sherwood, Steve Andrews and Gary Ell!
The top 3 lifters that achieved the highest points in the Aston Set were, Steve Sherwood, Steve Andrews and Gary Ell.
The December Edition of the IAWA Strength Journal has been mailed to members! Membership forms for 2019 are enclosed. Remember, If you have opted out of receiving a paper copy you can view the pdf version here.
The Postal League Leg 6 Results and Final Rankings for the year can be found here.
Once again, many thanks to Christopher Bass for collating the results, confirming the records and administering the scheme for the year!
Congratulations to the Top 3 Teams of Leg 6 – Granby1, Castlemilk & MetamorFIT1.
The top 3 Lifters of Leg 6 were – Steve Sherwood, Steve Andrews & Andy Tomlin.
The final rankings were Steve Andrews, Steve Sherwood & Andy Tomlin as the top 3.
At the IAWA(UK) AGM on Saturday 1st December the 2019 Fixtures List was approved.
You can find the 2019 competitions by clicking here.
Full results and write-up can be found here.
10 Lifters competed. The contested lifts were: One Hand Pinch Grip, One Hand Vertical Bar & Middle Fingers Deadlift.
Champion and Best Open lifter was Timo Lattamaus (Finland)
Best Ladies Lifters was Jenn Tibbenham
Best Masters Lifters was John Merner
Membership forms have been uploaded to the website and can be found here.
Printed forms will also be issued with the December Journal.