From I.A.W.A.(UK) President Steve Gardner
There is light at the end of the tunnel ………………. (an indication that a long period of difficulty is nearing an end).
I love that saying, a long way to go yet of course but it seems we are getting there…
Well now that we have let the dust settle after the roadmap announcements of bringing the Covid restrictions to an end (if everything goes to plan and there are no further hitches) after the end of June we should be ok to resume what’s left of our competition programme, salvaging the remainder of the competition year.
Saturday 3rd July will be the Olympics Competition at Burton and also the Powerlifting Competition on the same day, so lifters can enter either competition (one will be in morning and the other will follow. (Remember lifters don’t have to do all of the 3 disciplines, they can just perform one or two of the three if they wish). More details will follow later.
Saturday 14th August will be the British All Round Championships at Eastbourne, then Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th September will be in Wales for: The Welsh Open Championships on the Saturday and The British Disability Championships on the Sunday.
The details for the World Championships in the USA in October, and the Gold Cup in Ireland in November remain the same.
Chris Bass will re organise the Postal League with first leg likely to be in July (again details to follow)
The World Postal will probably remain the same, with results in by the end of August, and the Old Time Strongman Postal event will have the date re set at some future point, so again details will follow!
In short, fingers crossed and get ready for July. It looks like gyms should be open again from 12th April, so hopefully that is good news for all gym owners, and for those members who attend the gyms to access weights (Nothing certain yet but there is a possibility of running a virtual event in May whilst following all Covid restriction guide lines) …watch this space!