Southern Shield – 28th May 2017 – MetamorFIT

7 Lifters made it to the platform for the Southern Shield. Strength was tested in the Reflex Clean & Jerk, 1 Hand Dumbbell Snatch and the 2″ Bar Deadlift.

Rory Hoad won just one amended point ahead of Clive Madge.

Results can be found under Results – Local Fixtures.

World Postal – The Andy Goddard Memorial

Al Myers is the new promoter of the World Postal Competition. It will be promoted in a very similar manner to the way Steve Gardner has done it the past few years, which has been very successful.

It will still be the “Andy Goddard Memorial”. Andy was a great friend and supporter of the IAWA and the World Postal will continue to be done in Andy’s memory.

The lifts for this World Postal will be the first day lifts of the upcoming Worlds. Please send your results this year to

CLICK HERE for Entry Form

CLICK HERE for Information Sheet

Postal League Results – Leg 3

The results have been uploaded to the website under ‘Results – All Round League 2017

Congratulations to Granby, Iron Masters1 and Norn Irn1 as the top 3 teams and Steve Sherwood, Phil Crisp and Clive Madge as top 3 lifters. Steve Sherwood also takes the highest total in the Aston set. We also welcome some new lifters in this leg – well done everyone. Many thanks to Christopher Bass for compiling the results

Non Executive Appointment

Gary Ell will be taking over from Chris Bass the role of Assistant Drug Control Officer.

Gary’s medical background, experience and geographical location make him well suited to the role. This will ensure drug testing can continue at as many competitions as possible.

Good luck in your new role Gary!

Postal League Results Leg 2

The results of Leg 2 have been uploaded to the website – ‘Results – All Round Postal League’

Congratulations to Granby, Iron Masters1 and MetamorFIT1 as the top 3 teams and Steve Andrews, Andrew Tomlin and Steve Sherwood as top 3 lifters. Many thanks to Christopher for compiling the results.

New IAWA Referee

Congratulations to Gareth Edwards (MetamorFIT Gym, Eastbourne) who has successfully passed his probation period and is now a full referee. Many thanks to our technical committee that approved his sign off at the British Power Champs on 1st April.


British Power Championships – 1st April 2017 – MetamorFIT Eastbourne

Full Results can be found under ‘Results – National Fixtures

Report by Promoter Paul Barette –

Firstly thank you to all the lifters that participated in today’s competition. We lost Josh Davidson due to injury (we hope he makes a speedy recovery) so had 12 lifters take the platform. Max Ell took the best ladies lifter award up against Jenny Watson of Eastbourne. Rory Hoad competed against all local open lifters to take the best open but couldn’t quite catch Pete Tryner who received best masters and overall champion. A very warm welcome to Steve Shah (68) and Martin Doolan (76) who lifted tremendously well in their first national comps. We were treated to a feat of strength show and record breaking attempts by Jenn Tibbenham and Gary Ell as our half time entertainment. Finally a massive thank you to Chris Bass for scoring, Frank Allen for drug testing (2 tests were carried out), Natalie Voce, Jenn Tibbenham and our other referees. A special mention also to our loaders and supporters. Thank you everyone for a great day.


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