World Postal Competition 2017 – The Andy Goddard Memorial – Results

The Full Results and write-up can be found here.

Congratulations to Phil Crisp (UK), Steve Sherwood (UK) and Clive Madge (UK) who placed as top 3 in the men’s and RJ Jackson (USA), Maddy Ell (UK) and Monica Cook (Australia) who placed as top 3 in the women’s.

The Top 3 Teams were – Iron Masters (UK), Dino Gym Varsity (USA) and Chateau Lait All Comers (Scotland).

The competition was a big success with 45 lifters taking part.

Many thanks to Al Myers for collation and presentation of results!

Membership Register

In order to assist promoters and to answer general membership queries, the website now has a membership register which will be constantly updated. If you are organising or promoting a competition you will be able to see if attendees have current paid up IAWA UK Membership. Remember that any lifter must have membership in order to lift at any IAWA event.

Click Here to View

Postal League Results – Leg 4

The results have been uploaded to the website under ‘Results – All Round League 2017

Congratulations to Granby, Norn Irn1 and Castlemilk as the top 3 teams and Clive Madge, Steve Andrews and Steve Sherwood as top 3 lifters. Steve Andrews also takes the highest total in the Olympic set. Well done everyone. Many thanks to Christopher Bass for compiling the results

Rest in Peace George Dick

It is with great sadness that we report the passing of George Dick following his battle with cancer. A well respected and long term IAWA member, George will be greatly missed by his IAWA friends and we join together in passing our thoughts, prayers and messages of condolence to his wife Janet and their family and friends.

Janet has asked that we share the details of his funeral.

The Service will be at the LINN Crematorium, Lainshaw Drive, Glasgow, G459SP at 1pm on Tuesday 1st August.

Then afterwards at: The BUSBY Hotel, 1 Field Road, Clarkston, Glasgow G768RX

The Family Request NO Flowers…..But Donations can be made on the day which will go to the Cancer Hospital.

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