Postal League Results – Leg 4

The latest set of results from the All-Round Postal League can be found here.

Thank you to Christopher Bass for compiling the league and verifying the records. Congratulations to our top 3 lifters – Steve Sherwood, Steve Andrews & Gary Ell. The top 3 teams this leg were Granby1, Castlemilk & MetamorFIT1.

**Change of venue – Welsh Open 7th Sept**

Please note that the venue has changed for the Welsh Open Championship on 7th September.

All other details remain the same:

7th September – Welsh Open Championships

Pomoter: Neil Keddy Tel: 07305985461 Email:
Venue: Aberavon Community Centre, Mitchna St. Port Talbot SA12 6UH

Lifts: 1 Hand 2” Vertical Bar Lift, One Hand Deadlift (opposite hand), Hack Lift

Postal League Results – Leg 3

The latest results have been uploaded to the website and can be found here.

Many thanks to Christopher Bass for compiling the results and confirming the records. The top 3 lifters were Rick Meldon (Welcome Back!), Gary Ell and Steve Andrews. The Top 3 teams were Granby1, Sunbury1 and Castlemilk.

2019 IAWA Old Time Strongman World Postal Championship

From promoter Al Myers:

After the success of last year’s inaugural OTSM World Postal, John Mahon and I have decided to continue with the promotion again this year.   This years competition dates are July 20th-21st.

Now for a little “background” on this postal competition. It is much different than the other postal meets we have.

  • It will be held over a weekend only and all lifts must happen at this time
  • It will always be held at only one venue per participating country
  • Each country will have a promoter for the event, and provide the venue

The reason for these added stipulations is to give more credibility to the event.  Since all lifts will be done at a set venue at the same time, with the same set of officially recognized officials there is no question to the validity of this World Championship.  Also, I like the idea of everyone world wide doing the lifts at the same time, almost like a meet we are all at together.  There are different lifts chosen this year to give a new challenge to everybody.

ENTRY FORM (WORD)- 2019 OTSM World Postal Entry Form

ENTRY FORM (PDF) – 2019 OTSM World Postal Entry Form

Once completed, please send your completed forms to me this year instead of John.  I would like everyone to please use the prepared form for the official scoresheet to minimize submission errors.

UK Promoters – Scotland – Andy Tomlin & Matthew Finkle, Wales – Neil Keddy, England – Phil Crisp & Nick Swain.


IAWA Strength Journal

The latest copy of the I.A.W.A.(UK) Strength Journal has been mailed to members.

If you have opted not to receive a paper copy, then you can find the PDF version here.


**Southern Shield – Change of Date**

**Southern Shield – Change of date**
Please note: The Southern Shield Competition will now be Sunday 18th August (not 26th May). The lifts remain the same: 2 Dumbbells Clean & Press, Bent Arm Pullover and the Trap Bar Deadlift.

Apologies for the change, it should spread the events out a bit and allow more lifters to take part, especially with the British All-Round coming soon.

Postal League Leg 2 Results

You will find the latest results in full here.

Many thanks to Christopher Bass for his work in compiling the results and confirming the records.

Our top 3 teams were Granby1, Castlemilk and MetamorFIT1 –

Well Done Lifters!.

Congratulations to our top 3 lifters this leg – Steve Sherwood, Mark Godleman and Paul Barette!

Postal League Leg 1 Results

The All-Round Postal League Results have been uploaded to the website and can be found here.

Many thanks to Christopher Bass for collating and record confirmations. A very warm welcome to our newest lifters! ?️‍♀️Congratulations to Granby, Castlemilk and MetamorFIT1 for being the top 3 teams. The top 3 lifters for this leg were Steve Sherwood, Steve Andrews and Gary Ell!

The top 3 lifters that achieved the highest points in the Aston Set were, Steve Sherwood, Steve Andrews and Gary Ell.


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