Postal League Leg 1 Results

The 1st Leg Results of the Bob Smith All-Round Postal League for 2023.

Congratulations to the top 3 teams – Sunbury1, MetamorFIT1 & Granby.

The top 3 lifters were Steve Andrews, Ian Dixon & Danny Kingsland

Many thanks to Christopher Bass for compiling the results!

Click here for the results

British Grip Championship & Records Day – 28th January 2023 – Preston

Promoter – Mark Haydock

There were 9 lifters attacking the Iron, 8 entered the British Grip Championships and 7 took part in the Record Breaking Session:

Mark wrote: …Wow!! What a day that turned out to be….We had 9 lifters for the day, 8 lifted in the full Grip Event and Pete Tryner made his Trap Bar Record attempt after the weigh in and before the main event started.

Pete pulled a huge 360kg on the trapbar, which is an all time high lift!

We had some new faces on the day in Tom Cunningham, a really good all rounder, and the resurgence of some IAWA regulars in Matt Jones and Dean Kent. Over the whole day every lifter managed to set at least one record for themselves. The total number of records set for the grip event was 28, with a further 32 records falling on the records event later on.

Lifts of note were:

Pete Tryner 360kg trap bar ( All time highest)

Matt Wells 80kg 2” clean and jerk, the only lifter to go over bodyweight on the day and equalling John Monks WR, narrowly missing 82.5kg to finish.

Anthony Parker 2 barbells deadlift 220kg

Mark Haydock 2 barbells deadlift 290kg ( All time highest)

Tom Cunningham 85kg 1hand deadlift 2” bar

Overall Best Lifters: Open 1st Mark Haydock, 2ndTom Cunningham, 3rd Dean Kent

Masters: 1st Mark Haydock, 2nd Gary Ell, 3rd Matt Wells

Overall: 1st Mark Haydock, 2nd Tom Cunningham, 3rd Dean Kent

So there we have it, there sure was some great lifting going on in the Lancashire Lions Den

Mark Haydock – 2″ Bar Deadlift
Pete Tryner – Trap Bar Deadlift
Mark Haydock – 2 Barbells Deadlift

Click here for the British Grip Results

Click here for the IAWA Records Day

Postal League Leg 6 Results

Here are Leg 6 results for the Bob Smith All-Round Postal League together with the final year end rankings.

The top 3 lifters for leg 6 were Steve Andrews, Andy Murtagh & Matthew Wells.

The top 3 teams for leg 6 were Sunbury1, Haven Hobgoblins & MetamorFIT1.

Taking all the year’s results into account the top 3 overall Best Lifters for 2022 were Andy Murtagh, Steve Andrews and Ian Dixon.

Beata Banas-Hollobone was the top female lifter and Max Ell, the top MX Lifter.

2022 Team Rankings Top 3 – Sunbury1, Granby & MetamorFIT1

Please send any award claims to Paul Barette by the end of December.

A very big thank you to Christopher Bass for all his work in compiling the league for 2022!

Click here for the results

The Welsh Open & British Disability Championships – 3rd September 2022 – Port Talbot

The Lifters & Officials at the 2022 Welsh Open and British Disability Championships

Promoter – Neil Keddy

Contested Lifts – British Disability Champs:

Seated Class: 2″ Bar Deadlift, Press, Pullover & Press

Standing Class: 2″ Bar Deadlift, Clean & Press, Pullover & Press

Contested Lifts – Welsh Open Champs:

Pullover & Press, Zercher, Trap Bar Deadlift

Click here for the full results

New IAWA Lifts – Rule Book Update Oct22

Two new lifts were recently given approval at the IAWA World Council Meeting on 1st October

C28 – The Two Person One Hand Deadlift

F32 – Two Vertical Bars (one in each hand) 1 inch rods

They have been added to the IAWA Rule book, which can be found here under the downloads section of the website.

Postal League Results – Leg 5

Here are the latest results from the Bob Smith All Round Postal League – Leg 5.

Congratulations to our top 3 lifters for this leg – Steve Andrews, Max Herd & Andy Murtagh. The top 3 teams were Sunbury Teams 1 & 2 and the Haven Hobgoblins.

Many thanks to Christopher Bass for compiling the results and confirming any records.

Click here for the full results

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