Drug Testing News….

Gary Ell, our drug control officer, is pleased to report that the drug testing samples taken at the recent British All-Round and Southern Cup Championships have returned negative results!

2024 British All-Round Championship & Southern Cup – 6th July – MetamorFIT, Eastbourne

The Lifters & Officials of the 2024 British All-Round and Southern Cup Championships

A few words from Steve Gardner:

Wow, just wow, what a flipping good day at the British All Rounds and the Southern Cup at Eastbourne today.

22 lifters made it onto the platform to take on the six lifts.

Paul and Adrian did an exceptional job of hosting the event at Metamorfit Gym and all of the work put in by the officials and the lifters and especially the lifters who helped out with the loading, was just terrific, so well done everyone !

Some new lifters took part and did a superb job alongside the seasoned Champions taking part… the youngest lifter was in the Junior 13s and under, category, and the oldest was in the 70+ Masters division.

The British All round lifts were: Continental Snatch, Power Row and 2 inch bar Straddle ….

The Southern Cup lifts were: One hand Swing, Pullover at arms length and the One hand Dumbell Deadlift

Lots of records were broken and set.

The best lifter Awards for the

British all round ;

Best Junior: Emily Haydock

Best Female: Chloe Brennan

Best Male: Josh Davidson

Best Female Master: Beata Banas

Best Male Master: Mark Haydock

Overall Champion for the Health and

Strength Trophy:

1st Mark Haydock

2nd Josh Davidson

3rd Chloe Brennan

Best lifters For the Southern Cup Trophy:

1st Chloe Brennan

2nd Mark Haydock

3rd Steve Andrews

well done to everyone involved!



2024 World Postal Championship – The Andy Goddard Memorial

From Al Myers:

The IAWA World Postal Championships has been announced! 

It will still be the “Andy Goddard Memorial”.  Andy was a great friend and supporter of the IAWA and as long as I’m involved promoting the World Postal Championships it will be done in Andy’s memory.

As it has been the past few years, the lifts for this World Postal will be the first day lifts of the upcoming Worlds.

Read the the info sheet as it outlines the “rules of the competition”.  Send your results to me at amyers@usawa.com.

Also, please send in the official entry form with your club results. If you have more club entries than on the entry form just include extra entry forms.

Click here for the information sheet

Click here for the Entry form

Andy Goddard

Updates for the forthcoming Welsh Open and British Disability Championships


To assist Neil Keddy, Paul Barette and Steve Gardner will now be running the double header event at Aberavon .

The Disability Championships followed by the Welsh Open Championships. All details remain the Same

(8am Weigh in and 10am first lift)

All details remain the same but all entries and fees, go to Steve Gardner

07960960509 stevegardneruk@gmail.com

Any other questions or information, contact

Paul Barette – Tel: 01323 726833

Email: iawa@metamorfit.co.uk

Saturday August 31st – The British Disability Championships / The Welsh Open Championships

Venue: Aberavon Community Centre, Mitchna St. Port Talbot SA12 6UH

British Disability Championship Seated Lifts: One Hand Dumbbell Press(D), Para Bench Press(H), 2″ Bar Deadlift(B)

British Disability Championship Standing Lifts: One Hand Dumbbell Press(D), Para Bench Press(H), 2″ Bar Deadlift(B)

Welsh Open Lifts: One Hand Dumbbell Press(G1), Rim Lift(E33)(1 metre between inner collars/discs), 2″ Bar Hacklift(F25)

British Single Arm & Midlands Open All-Round Champs – 4th May 2024 – Grimsby

The Lifters & Officials at the 2024 British Single Arm and Midlands Open Championships

A few words from Steve Gardner:

We have just finished an outstanding day of lifting at the Haven Gym in Grimsby, for the Midlands Open Championships and the British Single Arm Championship….. big thank you to Chris Bass for putting on such a great event event, and thank you to everyone who helped with the loading and catching, your help was very much appreciated….

The lifting was terrific which made for a great atmosphere and lots of records were broken and set. We had a great
age range with Emily Haydock the youngest at 10yrs and platform Legend Steve Sherwood the most Senior.

In the Midlands All round:
Best female Junior – Emily Haydock
Best Junior – James Rutter
Best female- Beata Banas
Best Open lifter- Josh Davidson
Best Master lifter – Beata Banas

Winner of the Bill Jelley Award ( best open lifter) – Josh Davidson

Winner of the Peter Ready Award (best Masters Lifter) – Beata Banas

In the British Single Arm:
Best Female Junior – Emily Haydock
Best Junior- James Rutter
Best Female -Beata Banas
Best Open Lifter -Josh Davidson
Best Master lifter- Beata Banas

Winner of the George Dick Trophy ( overall best lifter) – Beata Banas

Another presentation that also took place was for the Karen Gardner Memorial Trophy …presented for the overall best performance at the British Grip Championships (Held in January this year ) The inaugural Winner was Mark Haydock….



Postal League Results – Leg 3

Here are the results for Leg 3 of the Bob Smith All-Round Postal League.

Congratulations to the top 3 teams this leg, Powerhouse Phoenix1, Club 3B and MetamorFIT1.

The top 3 lifters were Steve Andrews, Joshua Charles Davidson & Beata Banas-Hollobone.

Thank you to Chris Bass for compiling the results and confirming the records achieved.

Click here for the full results


Referee news….

From I.A.W.A.(UK) General Secretary – Paul Barette

I’m please to announce that Sonya Coles has passed the referee exam.

Sonya will now embark on her 12 month probationary period, gaining as much practical experience as possible.

Well done Sonya!

Here’s Sonya at the 2023 Southern Counties Championship

IAWA World Championships – 5th & 6th October 2024 – Eastbourne, England

** Update 26/9 – Lifting Schedules and Notes Added

Click Here for the Notes

Click Here for Day 1 Schedule

Click Here for Day 2 Schedule

** Update 13/8 – Banquet Menu Added

** Update 13/8 – World Council Meeting Scheduled for Saturday 5th, when lifting finishes.

Saturday & Sunday October 5th & 6th– IAWA World Championships

Promoter: Paul Barette Tel: 01323 726833 Email: iawa@metamorfit.co.uk

Venue: The Turing School, Eastbourne, England

Lifts: Day 1: Clean & Push Press(B31), Continental Clean to Belt(B45), One Hand Dumbbell Clean & Jerk(G6), Cheat Curl(E6)

Lifts: Day 2: Pullover & Push(B43), One Hand Zercher(E2), Hack Lift(C10)

Closing date for entries – Saturday 7th September!

The Turing School
The Auditorium

Click here for the entry form in PDF format

Click here for the information sheet in PDF format

Click here for the Banquet Menu – Choices must be received before the closing date

Further information will be added to this post when available

The Royal Sovereign Suite – Evening Banquet Venue for Sunday 6th October

Stevie Shanks – Record attempts with refs on tour….

A records session took place with Stevie Shanks in Belfast on 24th February.

Six records in the bag, refereed by Steve Gardner and Graham Saxton, whilst visiting Northern Ireland.

The results were sent to our Records Registrar (Chris Bass) for ratification. All lifts were confirmed as Masters World Records.

Stevie weighed 68.8kilos and is 60 years of age.

The successful lifts were:

Right Hand Deadlift 110 kilos
2 Hands Ciavattone Deadlift 120 kilos
2 Hands Straddle 150 kilos
2 Hands Hacklift 150 kilos
2 Hands 2inch bar Hacklift 141.1 kilos
2 Hands 2inch bar Straddle 141.1 kilos

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