Blindt Coefficients for 2019

Following the Gold Cup, Chris Bass has updated the Blindt Coefficients for 2019.

The full list can be found here (in the records section of the website).

Many thanks to Chris for all his hard work in producing these.

Postal League Leg 5 Results

The results have been uploaded to the website here

Many thanks to Christopher Bass for collating and record confirmations.

Congratulations to the top 3 teams – Granby, Castlemilk and MetamorFIT1. The top 3 lifters were Steve Andrews, Andy Tomlin & Steve Sherwood (also taking top 3 in the Single Arm Set) Well done to all the lifters and welcome also to Michelle Ryder, lifting off in the postal league for the first time.

Postal League Leg 4 Results……

The latest results have been uploaded here.

Many thanks to Christopher Bass for compiling the results and record confirmations. The top 3 teams were Granby1, Castlemilk and MetamorFIT1. The top 3 lifters for this leg were Steve Andrews, Steve Sherwood and Gary Ell – Congratulations guys! The top 3 scorers in the Olympic set were Steve Andrews, Steve Sherwood and Andy Tomlin.

Results of the Old Time Strongman World Postal Competition

Report by I.A.W.A. President Al Myers:

The results for the FIRST EVER OTSM World Championship have finally been compiled.  I was so impressed with the participation in this Championship, with 5 women and 19 men competing. Also, lifters from Australia (8 lifters), the USA (11 lifters), England (4 lifters), and Wales (1 lifter) were part of this Championships. That indeed makes it a World event! I sure hope this continues as an annual IAWA Championship – and for those that entered this year will always go down in history as part of the inaugural class of OTSM IAWA lifters.  That’s something to be proud of!

Now for the BEST LIFTERS of the OTSM IAWA World Championship –

OVERALL BEST MENS LIFTER – Philippe Crisp, England
BEST WOMENS MASTER 45-49 LIFTER – Racheal Hin, Australia
BEST WOMENS MASTER 50-54 LIFTER – Monica Cook, Australia
BEST WOMENS MASTER 55-59 LIFTER – Sonya Becker, Australia
BEST MENS MASTER 45-49 LIFTER – Philippe Crisp, England
BEST MENS MASTER 50-54 LIFTER – Nick Swain, England
BEST MENS MASTER 60-64 LIFTER – Peter Phillips, Australia
BEST MENS MASTER 75-79 LIFTER – Martin Doolan, England
BEST MENS SENIOR 20-39 LIFTER – Braden Reddenbagh, USA
BEST WOMENS SENIOR 20-39 LIFTER – Kat Becker, Australia

I want to thank the host club/promoters  in each country that helped promote this year’s OTSM Worlds. This includes:

Australia – Lambda Academy with promoter John Mahon
England – promoters Nick Swain and Phil Crisp
USA – Dino Gym with promoter Al Myers
Wales – promoter Neil Keddy

Lastly, I want to thank my co-promoter for this event, John Mahon for all his help. John did alot of work to make this happen – organized the entry forms, collected the entries, and tabulated the results/scoresheets.

I’m very much looking forward to next year and the future of Oldtime Strongman in IAWA.

Meet Results:

2018 IAWA OTSM World Championship
Postal World Championship
July 14-15th, 2018

Meet Directors: Al Myers & John Mahon

Meet Scorekeepers: Al Myers & John Mahon

OTSM Lifts: Anderson Squat, Cyr Press, Peoples Deadlift


Kat Becker Aus 34 82.3 220 40 240 500 628.5
Monica Cook Aus 54 66.4 120 22.5 150 292.5 484.2
Racheal Hin Aus 49 59.5 90 16 110 216 369.5
Claire McLaren Aus 46 85.1 105 21 110 236 311.2
Sonya Becker Aus 56 106.2 90 17.5 100 207.5 264.9


Philippe Crisp Eng 48 97.5 385 60 282.5 727.5 680.9
Gary Ell Eng 47 97.5 285 47.5 220 552.5 512.4
Eric Todd USA 43 116.5 320 77.2 220 617.2 502.3
Braden Reddenbagh USA 22 133.3 300 63.6 285 648.6 475.3
Nick Swain Eng 53 80.2 161.5 60 212.5 434 474.8
Zach Lucas USA 32 121.5 250 59 270 579 443.7
John Douglas USA 54 144.2 230 43.1 270 543.1 441.1
Neil Keddy Wal 40 90.5 225 37.5 220 482.5 436.0
Calvin Heit USA 16 68.9 182.5 36.3 180 398.8 420.9
Scott Tully USA 42 155.1 240 56.8 300 596.8 420.0
Martin Doolan Eng 77 75.8 140.5 20 120.5 281 385.2
Lance Foster USA 52 145.6 145 31.8 185 361.8 382.4
Steven Charles Aus 37 91.7 180 40 210 430 381.9
Brandon Rein USA 23 68.0 160 31.8 160 351.8 374.6
Peter Phillips Aus 64 104.8 90 32.5 230 352.5 364.1
Chris Todd USA 39 126.5 210 50 200 460 345.7
Tom Davis Aus 75 78.0 100 20 130 250 331.8
Dean Ross USA 75 111.5 130 22.7 150 302.7 329.3
LaVerne Myers USA 74 107.5 110 22.7 150 282.7 311.2

Notes: BWT is bodyweight in kilograms. All lifts recorded in kilograms. TOT is total kilograms lifted. PTS are overall adjusted points corrected for bodyweight and age.

**World Champs – Important Announcement**

As many of you have been anticipating final details relating to this year’s world champs we have to advise that due to circumstances beyond our control we have to change the venue of this year’s competition. Our new venue will be Eastbourne Sports Park and the dates remain the same (6th&7th October), as do the lifts. I will be promoting this year’s event with Steve Gardner assisting. Full venue details, application form and information for visitors will be released in the next couple of days. This will be an exciting event and we are lucky to have such a great venue.

2018 World Postal Competition

A message from IAWA President Al Myers:

The IAWA World Postal Championships has been announced! It will still be the “Andy Goddard Memorial”.  Andy was a great friend and supporter of the IAWA and as long as I’m involved promoting the World Postal it will be done in Andy’s memory. As it has been the past few years, the lifts for this World Postal will be the first day lifts of the upcoming Worlds. Since Worlds has not officially been announced yet (with an official entry form) I am assuming the lifts on day one will the lifts passed at the World Council Meeting last fall. Read the the info sheet as it outlines the “rules of the competition”.   Send your results to me at Also, please send in the official entry form with your club results. If you have more club entries than on the entry form just include extra entry forms.

2018 World Postal Entry Form

2018 World Postal Information Sheet


Postal League Leg 3 Results

The latest results of the Postal League have been uploaded to the website here.

Many thanks to Christopher Bass for collating and producing the results. The top 3 lifters for this leg were: Steve Andrews, Steve Sherwood and Mark Godleman – congratulations guys! The top 3 teams were Granby, Castlemilk and MetamorFIT1. The Power Set top 3 were: Steve Sherwood, Gary Ell and Steve Andrews. Our newest junior lifters Theo Hendley and Ryan Shields also achieved British Records in the Power Set! Well done to everyone that took part.


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