Important update – IAWA(UK) Memberships

From Paul Barette – Membership Secretary
It has been disappointing this year that Coronavirus has scuppered our great selection of events that were planned for 2020.
Many of our Members joined in the anticpation of competing in events up and down the country, abroad or participating in the postal competitions.
Steve Gardner is currently working on compiling our 2021 fixtures list and I am sure all of you (and I) are eager to get back to the lifting platform.
With this in mind the IAWA(UK) Executive Committee have unanimously agreed that we will extend all paid up IAWA(UK) Memberships by 12 months.
I can confirm that I have just completed this task, crediting all members with an additional 12 months. Your automated renewal emails will now reflect this and will now not be sent until 1 month before the revised renewal date.
If you have any questions regarding memberships please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Wishing you all the best in health – Paul

IAWA vs Covid-19 Virtual Lift Off

From Steve Gardner – The Results of the 2020 Virtual Lift Off Competition….
the level of involvement exceeded our Wildest dreams by far!!! the idea was to have some fun and create some involvement and inter action as best we could under the current situation, which is very difficult.
Interesting facts: we had 74 lifters take part from 9 different Countries: 33 England 23 USA 8 Australia 4 Wales 3 Scotland 2 Ireland 1 Finland 1 Canada and 1 New Zealand…….23 female lifters, 51 Male, 8 Juniors, 20 Open Lifters and 39 Masters. And there were 47 Different lifts used in the Competition…
I have created a results file and a Top lifters ranking file, but at the end of the day everyone who put themselves out to join in and be a prt of this ARE ALL CHAMPIONS!!
You can also view the 3 Way Challenge Match results, which was the reason this whole thing came about, Frank Ciavattone wondered if i could arrange a match against his team, and i was speaking with my co promoter for the Gold Cup: Stevie Shanks and we were saddened at having to cancel it, then whilst discussing the recent ‘virtual stone lifting competition’ that had been organised earlier, we just hit on the idea and our competiton was born……
Once again folks hope you all had a great time and like we said one day we will all look back on realising what a great thing we achieved between us!
The Results of the Three Way Challenge Match between the Old Powerhouse Gym England, Franks Gym USA and Steves Invitation International Masters Team.
Well done to the Masters team, and only one point in it between Powerhouse and Franks Gym……

The Lambda Academy Perth Western Australia

Burton Powerhouse – Graham Saxton, Steve & Karen Gardner, Paul Hallam


Midlands Open All-Round – 7th March Grimsby

Click here for the full results.

Best Lifter Awards:

Best Open Lifter- For the Bill Jelley Award: Richard Metcalf

Best Masters Lifter– For the Peter Ready Trophy: Steve Sherwood

Overall Champion of Champions Rankings:        

1st Steve Sherwood    2nd Roger Davis    3rd Richard Metcalf

A few Words about the event: 

A really great competition today at Grimsby for the IAWA (UK) Midlands Open All round Championships held at the Haven Gym and promoted by Chris Bass. Despite losing a few lifters from the potential entry field on the run up to the competition we still made it with Nine Men Strong and True! The lifts today were the One Hand Snatch, Continental Clean and Jerk and the Front Squat. All of the lifters put up a good performance, and at the end of the day the top three in the Champion of Champions Rankings were: First Steve Sherwood, Second Roger Davis and Third Richard Metcalf, (with only 2 points between 1st and 2nd) Well done to all the Officials, Lifters and Loaders, with everyone mucking in to help load and catch for each other the day went as smooth as a knife through butter, so again many thanks to you all for making the day a good one. Lots of record were broken and set too, so again well done to all especially, Wayne Pawson lifting in his first IAWA competition, and to Richard Metcalf, Roger Davis and Steve Sherwood our Best Lifters. A big well done to Chris Bass for promoting the event, another super IAWA day. The opportunity was also taken to present Steve Sherwood with the 2019 All Round League Overall Winners Cup!


Postal League Leg 1 Results

The first leg results of the 2020 Bob Smith All Round Postal League have been uploaded to the website and can be found here.

Thank you to Christopher Bass for compiling the results and confirming the records. The top 3 lifters were Rick Meldon, Steve Andrews & Steve Sherwood. The Top 3 Teams – Granby, Sunbury1 & Haven Harlots. Well done everyone!

British Grip Championships – 8th February 2020

Click here for full results.

Best Lifter Awards:

Best Junior Lifter: Mollie Redfern Smith

Best Female Lifter: Karen Gardner

Best Open Lifter: Callum Crozier

Best Masters Lifter: PeteTryner

Overall Champion of Champions Rankings:     

1st Pete Tryner                  2nd Callum Crozier            3rd Matt Jones

A few Words on the event:  

Wow, where to start? what a great day at the Grip Championships to kick off IAWA (UK)s 2020 Season……16 lifters on the platform and all were  outstanding, huge congratulations to Mollie Redfern Smith, Karen Gardner, Matt Wells, Ray Dews, Gary Ell, Paul Hallam, Pete Tryner, Steve Gardner, Josh Davidson, Gary Redfern Smith, Graham Alway, Mark Haydock, Matt Jones, and a big warm welcome to our three new lifters to IAWA(UK) today, first time on an IAWA platform: Mike Leadbetter, Luke Ridpath and Callum Crozier! Well done lads and what a range of Talent!

A special well done to the overall best lifters: Mollie, Karen, Callum and Pete….. and to the top three in the overall Champion of Champions Rankings:  Pete Tryner, Callum Crozier and Matt Jones.

A heartfelt thanks to all the loaders and officials, and our Drug Testing Officer: Gary Ell, carried out drug testing during the event. Steve Gardner announced and refereed along with refs: Karen Gardner, Mark Haydock (Promoter) and Gary Ell. The loading was done superbly by Matt Wells, Pete Tryner, Paul Hallam, Matt Jones, Josh Davidson and others! Well done again to Mark Haydock and his support team for putting on a great event…..Another Great Day for IAWA(UK)



IAWA Strength Journal – Dec 19

So if the postman didn’t have quite enough to handle this Christmas, he also has the latest issue of the IAWA Strength Journal to deliver!. Please note: This will be the last automatic mailing (in paper format) of the Journal. We will continue to produce the Journal and it will be available on our website (click here) or email if you prefer. For any of our IAWA Members not online a copy can be produced and mailed on request.Your editors for 2020 will be Paul Barette and Steve Gardner.

May I take this opportunity to Wish All of you and your families A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year! – Paul Barette ?️‍♀️??️‍♂️??

Changes to Southern Fixtures for 2020

There is a change to the originally published Southern Fixtures for next year and two new events have been added.

Venue: Hailsham or TBC

Promoters: Phil Crisp and Nick Swain Email:

Sunday 17th May – Southern Shield (not MetamorFIT as originally published)

Lifts: One Hand Dumbbell Press, 2×2” Vertical Bar Lift, One Hand Deadlift

Sunday 21st June – Southern Strength Show

(Strongman comp and IAWA Records event)

Sunday 23rd August – Southern All-Round

Lifts: 2 Hand Pinch Grip, Pullover at Arms Length, Cheat Curl


Postal League – Leg 6 Results

The final leg (6) results of the Bob Smith All-Round Postal League for 2019 have been uploaded to the website and can be found here.

A very big thank you to Christopher Bass for all his work in compiling the results and confirming the records.

Congratulations to Granby1, Castlemilk and Sunbury1 as the top 3 teams for this leg. The top 3 lifters were Rick Meldon, Steve Sherwood & Steve Andrews. As this is the final leg, please take a moment to read the final placings and if you qualify for an award please contact Frank Allen (MetamorFIT Lifter awards will be requested by Paul Barette).

Well done to everyone that participated for the year!

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