IAWA(UK) Postal League Results 2022 – Leg 3

Here are Leg 3 Results of the Bob Smith All Round Postal League.

The top3 lifters for this leg were Andy Murtagh, Dan Harris and Jacik Szast.

The top 3 teams were Sunbury1, Sunbury2 and Granby.

Well done to everyone that participated. Many thanks to Christopher Bass for compiling the results.

Click here for the results

IAWA(UK) Postal League Results – Leg 2

Here are the Leg 2 Results for the IAWA(UK) Bob Smith All Round Postal League. Congratulations to the top 3 lifters – Dan Harris, Ian Dixon and Steve Andrews. The top 3 teams were Sunbury1, Granby & MetamorFIT1. Many thanks to Christopher Bass for collating the results and confirming the records.

Click here for the results

IAWA(UK) Postal League 2022 – Leg 1

What a great start to the IAWA(UK) Bob Smith Postal League!

New teams from Sunbury, MetamorFIT, Essex (2 Bro.), Haven and Ked’s Gym have boosted the participant numbers to 39 for the first leg.

Here are Leg 1 Results – Congratulations to Sunbury1, Granby and MetamorFIT1 on the top 3 team positions and Steve Andrews, Andy Murtagh and Max Herd in the top 3 individual placings.

A very big thank you to Christopher Bass for his work in compiling the results and record confirmations.

Click here for the results

IAWA Virtual Lift-Off 11th/12th Dec 2021

There was a great turn out for the last event of the year – the festive lift-off!

28 Lifters representing New Zealand, USA, Canada, Wales and England took part and it was great to see lifters old and new participating.

The lifts were the Reflex Clean & Push Press and the Hack Lift

For disability lifters, The Press & Deadlift

The promoter and event facilitator was Steve Gardner

Full results of the Virtual Competition can be found here.

2022 Fixtures

Following approval at the I.A.W.A.(UK) AGM Yesterday, we are pleased to be able to share the events planned for 2022.

You can find them here.

The I.A.W.A.(UK) Committee would like to express thanks to all the promoters for their work in organising these events!

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