RIP Frank Allen
From IAWA(UK) Chairman – Steve Andrews
It is with a heavy heart that I have to report that Frank Allen passed away on Saturday 13th January aged 81.
He was one of the founders of IAWA uk and multiple title and World records holder. He had been my coach and lifting buddy since 1979.
You will be missed by all who knew you Frank
I will put out more information regarding funeral arrangements when I am given them, and it would be wonderful if we could have a great attendance from lifters past and present.
God bless you Frank.x
From IAWA(UK) President – Steve Gardner
Photos of a Legend ……Frank Allen in earlier days, he was a talented all round weight lifter and i had the pleasure of seeing him on the platform many times, performing some really great lifts! One of the original organisers of our organisation Frank also played many serving committee member roles.
In these photos Frank is seen performing a Zercher Lift, and then making the Hall of Fame Induction Award to the late great Mike Archer. Frank was himself inducted into the IAWA Hall of Fame in 2001, and in 2014 he received the IAWA Award of Merit, the highest Award that can be presented in IAWA Internationally! Frank will be missed by all who knew him.