Postal League Leg 6 Results
Here are Leg 6 results for the Bob Smith All-Round Postal League together with the final year end rankings.
The top 3 lifters for leg 6 were Steve Andrews, Andy Murtagh & Matthew Wells.
The top 3 teams for leg 6 were Sunbury1, Haven Hobgoblins & MetamorFIT1.
Taking all the year’s results into account the top 3 overall Best Lifters for 2022 were Andy Murtagh, Steve Andrews and Ian Dixon.
Beata Banas-Hollobone was the top female lifter and Max Ell, the top MX Lifter.
2022 Team Rankings Top 3 – Sunbury1, Granby & MetamorFIT1
Please send any award claims to Paul Barette by the end of December.
A very big thank you to Christopher Bass for all his work in compiling the league for 2022!
Click here for the results