Virtual Lift Off / Competition 8th & 9th May 2021

A Virtual Lift off / Competition –
Results to be posted 1st Weekend in May: (Sat 8th or Sun 9th)
Since we lost the Grip Competition this time, we now offer an opportunity to take part in the virtual lift off on the very same lifts…you can perform just one of the three lifts, two of them, or all three….. it’s up to you: The Lifts: (All performed on a 2 inch thick bar) Lift 1 Clean and Push Press – Lift 2 Fulton Deadlift – Lift 3 Vertical Bars Lift on 2 x 2inch Rods
Same as for previous events of this type: Wear the correct platform dress for the lift off. Perform it in front of the camera using the Camera as the Centre Ref. Give yourself the down signal or pause correctly in the finished position before replacing the bar. State your name, Age and Bodyweight when you post the lift or lifts. See rules printed below, any questions please don’t hesitate to ask me. Although this is a ‘for fun’ event, please understand that if anything posted is not legal per IAWA rules then we will not be able to consider it for the overall results. We must be seen to maintain the correct standards of performance whilst having fun too!
(For anyone who has not got access to a 2 inch bar but wants to take part, we will also have a section where a lifter can perform any or all of the 3 lifts on regular 1 inch thick bars)
Click here for the rules in word format
Click here for the rules in Pdf format